❓FAQ - Sale and Presale

Where i can buy Bitscrow (BTSCRW) Token?

You can buy token here on Pancakeswap https://pancakeswap.finance/swap?outputCurrency=0x9D55F5a65C4E8A7563A668c12364eCC42c4481a6

How much it cost one token?

You can check information about the current live prive on Coingeko


When the presale opened?

The presale opened on 20 September 2022 at 9.00 AM UTC

Where can i buy the tokens during the presale?

The tokens can only be purchased on the PinkSale presales platform.


There will be a whitelist?

The first day of presale will be dedicated to those who have registered in whitelist. Given the great demand, we advise you to register at the following link (https://bitscrow.site/whitelist-en.htm) so as not to miss this great opportunity. Whitelist closing date is 24h before the presale date.

Which are the presale detail?

πŸ“Presale https://www.pinksale.finance/launchpad/0x0Ca4B441a767af4a7113EDf8076E15fEa4F15549?chain=BSC Total Supply 250,000,000 BTSCRW Soft Cap: 110 BNB Hard Cap: 220 BNB Min buy: 0.1 BNB Max buy: 8 BNB Unsold Tokens: Burn Presale Start Time: 2022.09.20 09:00 (UTC) Presale End Time: 2022.09.27 23:00 (UTC) Listing On: Pancakeswap Liquidity Percent: 80% Liquidity Lockup Time: 1825 days after pool ends

There will be Vesting for presale contributor?

We do not have any vesting for contributors during the presale phase, the vesting is just on our locked development,marketing and ecosystem funds.

How can i claim my token from presale?

You can claim your token here: https://www.pinksale.finance/launchpad/0x0Ca4B441a767af4a7113EDf8076E15fEa4F15549?chain=BSC

Last updated